About Susanna Burton Photography Ltd
Susanna Burton
Recently Susanna has photographed weddings and Your Story family portraits in England, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Bali and of course New Zealand.
Susanna's photographic background spans over 25 years of experience as a photographer for newspapers, TVNZ and freelancing for magazines. Her photo-journalistic training serves well with her wedding and portraiture giving natural and candid shots.
Susanna spent a cumulative 10 years on overseas assignments for aid and charity organisations including World Vision and Tear Fund. A photograph taken in Africa won her UNESCO's 50th anniversary Photo Contest and she was flown to Japan.
Her photographs have been published in cards, books and calendars world-wide. She has tutored in Hawaii at an International Photography School and taught Travel Photography in Wellington.
At the beginning of her career Susanna was commissioned to publish a book called 'Parnell' and recently she held an exhibition of the images in Auckland's Heritage Week. The collection is currently on sale.